Friday, July 29, 2011

What did you do when..

something happen not the way/not the time you want it to be...
I would just accept it as I believe things happen for a reason..Allah have arrange for the best for us..It might seem bad but there will be 'hikmah'..Good things is 'rezki' and bad things might be a test or a fine to our sins..

you hate someone so much until you can't even look at him/her... 
I would try to avoid from seeing him/her & if I need to do so, I'll just treat him/her as usual.. but I'll try my best to throw away that bad feeling by thinking positive because nobody is perfect.. we hate someone 1 time, there might be others who hate us 10 times.. :p

you want to eat/drink something but you just CAN'T...
This usually happen when we're on confinement..(fasting is not included :D )..during my previous confinement after gave deliver to Akif, my regular meal for the first few weeks are white rice n salty fish + vegetable like 'sawi'..not forgotten the 'gelama bakar' which is made by my own mum (nyum delicious).. luckily i didnt have so much food that i 'tringin' nk mkn..but there was one time after 30 days of confinement where I 'curi2' mnum air sejuk on d table at d kitchen..(yelah..nmpk sedap je air strawberi sjuk2 tggl atas meja cmtu je..mmg kna rembat steguk 2 je la..sbnrnye tkut gak nk mnum tp da tringin..sib baik la x jd pape..siht walafiat je - sila jgn tiru aksi ni..lain org,might be lain pnerimaan..hehe)
After finish the 44 days confinement period, there are still some food/drinks we have to 'pantang' such as laksa (sy pantang smpai akif umo almost a yr..ade org kate laksa yg ade bunga kantan je kna pantang..tah la), coconut drinks (after Akif da 1 yr bru mnum) etc..
Ksimpulanny, if I really wanna eat/drink smthg but it is actually prohibited, i would just eat/drink it in a small quantity (utk lpskn keinginan) but only if i believe it will not effect my health or my baby la..other people may not agree with me but i dont mind.. :p

you want to have/buy something but your husband/wife doesn't allowed you...
If that thing is very important n necessary to buy, I will try my best to persuade & 'pujuk' my hasben to allow me to buy it..if not, I'll just let it go.. :)

you were given a task that you don't like...
This usually happen at working place..I'll just complete the task even though I dont like it & even though I'm not doing it 'sepenuh hati'.. It can be a training though..huhu

there's nothing you can do...
I'll do nothing... :p

you feel helpless...
I'll talk to someone I trust or I'll just keep quiet n keep telling myself that everything gonna be fine..

you miss/love someone so much until you can't explain how much it is...
I'll just directly & always tell that person that I love/miss him/her so much.. I'll go to see him/her if I could.. If not, the phone will be a connector..

I would like to tag some people to answer these questions..
My sis
My bro

Feel lucky please & sorry if u dont like the questions.. good luck :)


Unknown said...

thanks tag aku, de jugak idea nk berblogging. hope this weekend de mood nk ber'new post hehe

WiseMom said...

ak pn mrepek2 je ni time boring2.. :D

Niza K. said...

seems like we got few things in common :) emm let see camne nak jwb nih!

FizA said...

kalau rajin i buatla..hihihi

WiseMom said...

hihi =)