Monday, August 1, 2011

Dedicated special to my beloved husband..

You are my sweetest love,
That love I always wanna hug,
Because I really love you,
The world just has to know.
I'll do anything for you,
There is nothing I wouldn't do.
Snuggle, cuddle and then hug me,
With you I always want to be.

La la la la...

My love is deep and true
I'd be lost if not with you
So long it would have been
If not for you and me
I'll do anything for you,
There is nothing I wouldn't do.
Snuggle, cuddle and then hug me,
With you I always want to be.

La la la la...

Our feelings are so strong
And our hearts will beat as one
Another ending story
Is what I have with you
I'll do anything for you,
There is nothing I wouldn't do.
Snuggle, cuddle and then hug me,
With you I always want to be..

La la la la...

You are my sweetest love,
That love I always wanna hug, because I really love you,
The world just has to know.
I'll do anything for you,
There is nothing I wouldn't do.
Snuggle, cuddle and then hug me, with you I always want to be..

P/S: I'm really crazy into this song because the bunny is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute & the lyrics are also wonderful...

Saturday, July 30, 2011

My hero likes diz song...

Akif suka lagu ni sbb ade kapal terbang & ade part main gitar mcm gitar dier.. hihi

Friday, July 29, 2011

What did you do when..

something happen not the way/not the time you want it to be...
I would just accept it as I believe things happen for a reason..Allah have arrange for the best for us..It might seem bad but there will be 'hikmah'..Good things is 'rezki' and bad things might be a test or a fine to our sins..

you hate someone so much until you can't even look at him/her... 
I would try to avoid from seeing him/her & if I need to do so, I'll just treat him/her as usual.. but I'll try my best to throw away that bad feeling by thinking positive because nobody is perfect.. we hate someone 1 time, there might be others who hate us 10 times.. :p

you want to eat/drink something but you just CAN'T...
This usually happen when we're on confinement..(fasting is not included :D )..during my previous confinement after gave deliver to Akif, my regular meal for the first few weeks are white rice n salty fish + vegetable like 'sawi'..not forgotten the 'gelama bakar' which is made by my own mum (nyum delicious).. luckily i didnt have so much food that i 'tringin' nk mkn..but there was one time after 30 days of confinement where I 'curi2' mnum air sejuk on d table at d kitchen..(yelah..nmpk sedap je air strawberi sjuk2 tggl atas meja cmtu je..mmg kna rembat steguk 2 je la..sbnrnye tkut gak nk mnum tp da tringin..sib baik la x jd pape..siht walafiat je - sila jgn tiru aksi ni..lain org,might be lain pnerimaan..hehe)
After finish the 44 days confinement period, there are still some food/drinks we have to 'pantang' such as laksa (sy pantang smpai akif umo almost a yr..ade org kate laksa yg ade bunga kantan je kna pantang..tah la), coconut drinks (after Akif da 1 yr bru mnum) etc..
Ksimpulanny, if I really wanna eat/drink smthg but it is actually prohibited, i would just eat/drink it in a small quantity (utk lpskn keinginan) but only if i believe it will not effect my health or my baby la..other people may not agree with me but i dont mind.. :p

you want to have/buy something but your husband/wife doesn't allowed you...
If that thing is very important n necessary to buy, I will try my best to persuade & 'pujuk' my hasben to allow me to buy it..if not, I'll just let it go.. :)

you were given a task that you don't like...
This usually happen at working place..I'll just complete the task even though I dont like it & even though I'm not doing it 'sepenuh hati'.. It can be a training though..huhu

there's nothing you can do...
I'll do nothing... :p

you feel helpless...
I'll talk to someone I trust or I'll just keep quiet n keep telling myself that everything gonna be fine..

you miss/love someone so much until you can't explain how much it is...
I'll just directly & always tell that person that I love/miss him/her so much.. I'll go to see him/her if I could.. If not, the phone will be a connector..

I would like to tag some people to answer these questions..
My sis
My bro

Feel lucky please & sorry if u dont like the questions.. good luck :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Ntah ape yg dicari yer.. title mcm gempak jer..hihi..

Sbnrnye dlm pncarian bju utk Hari Raya.. awal lg ke? tk awal sgt lah kot.. sbulan lg nk raye yer kwn2 walaupn Ramadhan belum tiba..tpnyer, bju ry bkn utk myself la..they are for my mum n 2 sister..n not forgotten for my beloved hero, Akif Zafran.. for me? xpayah la..prot moncit2 nk bbaju raya lak dah.. pkai bju mngandung sudah mcm time peknen ke Akif budget sket..hihi..

Td baru lpas survey bju kurung kt Mydin.. hrga mmg la murah tp bila hntr pic kt mum n adik, derang xbkenan lak..ak pn xbrp bkenan sbnrnye sbb corak n warna krg mnarik.. material pn xbrp bagus..dan jugak ak risau kalau2 same ngn bju org laen..xpasal2 jd boria..

One of my friend penah suggest First Lady.. First Lady ni ade byk cawangan seluruh negara.. ak pnah gak la bli bbrp psg bju kt cni coz hrga murah n design pun not bad cantiknyer.. cuma 1 pristiwa telah mnyebabkn ak stop bli baju bajan kt ctu..critanya ade skali tu ak attend akad nikah mak sedara hasben ak kt masjid pkai bju First Lady nih..ak pn duduk la kt bhgn pngantin pmpuan..skali ak nampak sorg minah kt bhgn pngantin llaki pakai bju sebijik ngn baju yg ak pakai..kalu warna lain tu, tahan la jugak..ini warna pun sjibik.. warna tdung pn lbeh krg..ape lagi, trus ak cabut tggu luar masjid smbil nyorok2 kt hasben ak (takut org lain prasan gak la..)..hbis je akad nikah, trus blk umah tukar baju then baru g blk ke umh pngantin utk mkn2..lpas pristiwa tu mmg kna perli la ngn hasben ak..trus ak xbli dh dr ctu wlaupn kdg2 ak tgk bjunye cantik2 jugak..kalau stakat blaus2 tu, rasenye xde masalah kalau same pn..ini kalau bju2 krg, kebaya n lain2 tu mmg ak xkn bli la..mayb smpai bila2 kot?? (mcm blagak..pdhal sbnrnye da fobia..hukhuk)

Ak ade gak survey on9 tgk bebaju nih.. ade yg mnarik, ade yg x, ade yg murah, ade yg hrga mcm xmasuk akal.. tp ak rase mcm xpuas ati je nk shopping on9 utk bju ry nih coz kiter tatau actual material n corak n warna of the baju..bab bli bju on9 nih pun,ak pnah ade pngalaman gak..skali tu ak bli bju krung kain viscose..skali bju tu smpai kt umah, kain dier ade kesan koyak yg jenis mcm kna gunting tuh..ak pn btau la kt seller tu..skali dia suh ak pos blk kt dia tp kos pos ak yg tggung..ape lg, tk jd pos blk la..ak pkai je bju tu sbb sib baik kesan koyak tu atas sket dr lutut..kira kalu xselak baju, org xnmpk la lubang koyak tu n of course la kna pkai kain dalam in case bju tselak d luar ksedaran.. lpas je jd cmtu, ak da xbli da dr seller tu.. eventhough da lalui pngalaman cmtu, ak still lg bli bju scara on9 n dr seller bkn bj krg la..just bju2 mcm t-shirt ke, seluar ke..

Bbalik ke soal bju ry utk my mum n my sis, stelah di pk2 n stelah bru lpas on fon ngn my sis td, ak decide jln tbaik is ak bank in jelah duet kt mum n diorg pilih sndiri bju yg diorg nk..lbeh sng cmtu kn? ak pn xyah pning2 bju pn diorg akn dpt ikut khendak diorg..n ak pn xperlu susah2 cari bju, pos bju..kot2 pos nnt xsmpai lak..maklumlah, POS Malaysia kn sgt cbuk bila mnjelang raya nih..hehe..

Makanya, pncarianku pun b'akhir d cni..let they continue the search.. but oppss, bju Akif lak cmne?? adeh, ttibe leh tlupe lak.. tkpelah syg..nnt kite merendek kt mane2 psr mlm ke, psrya ke, psr tani ke, kter cari bju Akif rasenye nk bli on9 nih sbb xtau actual measurement of the items..kang bli tkecik lah, tbesar sgt lah..slmt lg beli


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

There he goes again..

2 mths on, 2mths off..
That's wut we gonna go through till next year..
It's hard to be separated from the one u love, but we have no choice..
It's for our family, our future..

My love, 
Always take care of urself.. always be careful n take care of ur health..
Do not forget not forget us..
We will always wait for you, dear..
Love u n miss u a lot...

Hugs n kisses from mama, Akif n baby..

P/s: my hubby sign on Tjg Gaya in Songkhla, Thailand today (27 July 2011)..he will not be with us during this Hari Raya..huhu

Medan, Indonesia

Lama sudah x update blog nih..bsawang, bhabuk da pon.. Smbil2 dgr mozart n beethoven ni, trasa lak nk update blog..

Btw, as posted few weeks ago, akhirnya tcapai sudah hasrat utk bjalan2 di Medan slama 4hri 3mlm - 1 mlm d Danau Toba + 2 mlm d Medan..  btolak 19/06 n blk 22/06..The trip was so fun..yelah kn..1st time jejak kaki oversea (penang n langkawi pn oversea gak kn? haha)..

For me, Indonesia is quite a good country to be visited - mbuatkn kite bsyukur dgn ape yg ade d Malaysia nih..kt sane, suasana agak bbeza dgn Malaysia walaupn dikatakn kite dr rumpun yg same..Trafik kt sane mmg sgt bz..knderaan bsmpang siur, rapat2 giler..kalu suh ak bwk kete kt sane, jgn hrp la..dgn skejap2 bnyi hon lah, knderaan bhimpit2 diorg,tu biase je,..cube bnyi hon kt M'sia tgk..mau 1 kawasan pusing kn kn..

Keadaan jln kt sane pn mmg sgt jauh bbeza dgn kiter..Kalau kiter, tsusun cantik je trafik (walaupn ade yg x ok, tp sgt kecil jumlahnye)..pstu condition jln tu sndiri (tmbh2 jln2 kwsn xbrp nk mbangun) amatlah truk..kalu lalu tu,ibarat naik kuda jdnye..sakit hbis pinggang n sabar jelah sbb da kate nk jejalan kn..mmg adventure habis lah tmbh2 laluan Medan-Danau Toba-Berastagi-Medan..Medan ke Danau Toba walaupn jarak dlm 100km lbeh je tp amik mase lbeh 4jam..Danau Toba ke Berastagi dlm 2 jam n byk lalu kwsn2 kmpung..Berastagi ke Medan yg plg mcabar sbb jln turun bukit bselekoh2 n blubang2 yg amat..lori lak byk giler sbb jln tu bleh dikatakn laluan utama utk diorg ke tmpt2 lain.. Kesimpulannya, kalau M'sia ni ade jalan mcm kt sane, da lame da rasenye masuk aduan rakyat ke ape ke dlm TV M'sia ni mmg selesa byk la bbanding org Indonesia dr aspek kemudahan n infrastruktur..mmg patut sgt2 bsyukur..

 1st day kt sane, kitorg trus ke Danau Toba..smpai je airport, g mkn then trus btolak..Danau Toba is quite a beautiful n wonderful place..air pun jernih..kitorg stay kt Siantar Hotel, Parapat yg btul2 bsbelahan dgn tasik tu..esoknya kitorg naik bot ke Pulau Samosir, ke Pkmpungan Tomok iaitu salah 1 pkmpungn org batak..kt sane barulah kami tau rupa2nya tomok tu maksudnya gemuk (kira name tomok Newboyz a.k.a OIAM tu sempena die penah gemuk mase kecik dlu la kot kn..hehe)..kt sane tk byk aktiviti sgt pn kitorg smpat buat..just mlawat pkuburan raja d ctu n shopping2 cket..sempat la ak bli souvenir sket n kain special made dr sane iaitu Kain Gesek Wangi..mmg wangi kain tu bila kiter gesek2..mcm bau sabun pun org kt sane ckp kain tu made from akar pokok ape tah..mmg bau dia cmtu..lg gesek lg wangi.. habis mlawat Danau Toba, kitorg truskn pjalanan ke Brastagi, kwsn tanah tggi yg dikatakn mcm Cameron Highland..pjalan agak mletihkn sbb keadaan jln yg truk n lalu kwsn2 kg..spnjg jln tu, nmpk kedai2 jual babi panggang adalah prkara biase..sbb kate pmandu plancong, kebykn pnduduk Danau Toba hingga ke Brastagi b'agama mmg bsepah2..n 1 lg yg unik spnjg kseluruhn pjalanan d Medan (especially ke Danau Toba n Brastagi) pmandangn kubur d sbelah rumah adalah pkara biasa sbb mmg kbykn pnduduk sane kuburkn org tua n moyang diorg dkat ngn rumah..motif utama xpasti la pulak sbb ape...kate pmandu plancong sbg nk mhormati n mngingati org yg telah pergi..kalu kitorg,pk sbb tanak tanah kena jual je..haha..kiter d Malaysia mgkin bleh buat mcm tu kalau xnk ank cucu jual tanah kluarga kn? sape sudi bli tanah bkubur? hehe.. Btw, d Brastagi xde ape sgt yg mnarik..mayb sbb kitorg pun trus ke pasar buah n da ptg sgt nk jejln pn..ak sempat bli buah strawberi, limau n markisa je..then smpat naek kete kuda seround bwk akif jejln.. pastu btolak ke Medan dh hampir pukul 7mlm..smpai d Medan, check in d Hotel Madani, hotel 4 bintang yg bg ak,agak cantik gak la..

2nd n 3rd day byk hbiskn mase jln2 n shopping d skitar bndr Medan..hri 1st kt Medan tu,ak bli kain sulam reben je 5psg n tlekung utk kengkwn n fmili.. hri 2nd baru la ak sempat bli utk ak n akif..brg kt sane mmg murah tp kna pndai tawar mnawar la..klu x,sng2 je kna tipu..pniaga mmg ltak hrga 2-3kali gnda pnyalah..tmbh2 kalu tahu pelancong dr M'sia, S'pore, Brunei, mmg diorg nk ketuk sgguh2 la..ak pn xbyk sgt jejln sbb mr hubby xbrp sihat..dgn bwk akif lg..last2 bli stroller I-sport utk akif hrga almost 300++ @ RP900000..tu hrga offer tu..hehe..da ltih sgt nk dukungnye,bli stroller sng kn..berat stroller tu pn dlm 3kg je..tu sbb utama bli tu..

Btolak dr Medan flight mlm..flight lak delay sejam..smpai KL, smua pblic trnsport ke Putrajaya da xde (kcuali teksi la yg charge nyer amat mahal)..last2 tpaksa susahkn cousin hubby..kul 2pg diorg kna drive amik kitorg kt LCCT naik 3bji kete..kul 4pg baru smpai rumah sbb sggah mkn dlu..thanks a lot cousins..tkde korg,mmg susah la kitorg nih..

Habis sudah ringkasan 1 holiday trip aku n fmili.. hrp2 lainkali dpt ke tmpt lain lak..smg dipnjgkn umur n dmurahkn rezeki kami skeluarga..btw, ni sket gmbr yg ak curik dr fb akak ipar ak..xsempat nk upload sndiri..hehe..

P/S: abaikn shaye yg klihatan gumox.. :p

Friday, June 3, 2011

Vacation Plan (Amendment)

Wah..sekian lama wat posting psl vacation plan,ni bru nk post follow up lak.. :)

Alhamdulillah,plan utk vacation still on cumanya ade amendment sket spt brikut:

1. Destinasi da btukar drp Bali kpd Medan (4 days 3 nights)
2. Bilangan peserta utk vacation btambah (asalnye me, hubby, akif, mak mertua n ayah mertua je..xpela, the more the merrier..hehe)

Tiket flight smua da siap dbeli utk 9 adults, 1 chlidren n 1 infant..vacation package yg lain akn ambil di medan nnt coz ayah mertua ade knalan kt,the price is a lil bit cheaper than the normal price offered by travel agencies here.. kitorg depart 19 June n return 22 June ( x lame da).. hrp2 smua psiapan n pjalanan bjalan lancar n slamat la..AMIN

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Vacation Plan

Dah lame rasenye x pegi bcuti kt mane2..stakat 1 mlm kt Genting n Cameron pnah la..tu pn xpuas rasenye.. hubby dah suh plan family vacation time dia bcuti nnt...mayb in May or June..dah byk kali sgt2 kitorg tangguh plan vacation ni..smpai kdg2 tu rase mcm malas da nk plan..hehe..hrp2 kali ni,smuanya bjalan lancar la...

Destination?? hurm..hubby cadangkn ke Bali sbb ni 1st time nye vacation,so biar la dkat n murah sket..lgpun,tgh bwk perut ni xkn nk jejln jauh2 lak kn..akif pon lom biase lg jln jauh non-stop.. btw, ok ke Bali? ade wat survey2 kt website MAS n airasia utk full package ke Bali utk kitorg 3 branak ade la dlm 4000 lbeh utk 5hari 4mlm.. ok da bajet tu rasenye cuma nk endorse ke x je lg..hehe..nk kna bncg ngn hubby btul2 dlu la sbb dlm pakej tu ade skali aktiviti2 lain..kot2 hubby xbkenan,susah gak la coz da byr tiba2 xnk join aktiviti lak kn..rugi la cmtu..

Passport blom buat lg... hubby sorg je yg da ade passport.. ye la kn da dier keje kdg2 kna masuk prairan antarabangsa n masuk international port, so mmg kna ada la..survey2 bajet utk passport smlm utk kanak2 below 12 RM150 valid for 5yrs..Kalau dewasa lak RM150 for 2yrs and RM300 for 5yrs.. (Nk jd budak la cmni..murah sket..hihi..) Cdg2nya nexwik nk wat passport sbb kalu tggu hubby blk, alamatnye xbleh la nk booking flight awal2..kot penuh je..

Hurm..hrp2 sgala plan mnjadi n bjalan lancar la..kalau x jd jugak kali ni, tah bila2 la plak nk dpt jln2 jauh cenggini..dgn nk branaknye nnt, dgn nk jage baby kecik lg, pakai x g memane la 2-3 tahun pun, think positive kn? hehe..

(Mode: a lil bit excited nk bcuti kt oversea but a lil bit scared sbb 1st time..jakunnyer.. :p)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


My love,

Truly from my heart....
it is uncountable..........

...I miss u so much & I will always do...